Wednesday 21 April 2010

Leeds time!

Woah, lots to catch up on... so quickly:

I arrived in Leeds after a fun week with Harriet and her lovely housemates in Maidenhead. It was nice to have a relax in Maidenhead, and be introduced to Scrumpy Jack cider. Harriet got her tourist on with me to see Windsor Castle. Which was of course the home of Henry VIII so I had a look round for Henry Cavill, but could not find him anywhere. It was really an interesting place. There were weapons everywhere that probably had actually killed people... creepy.... plus the drawings gallery that houses Leonardo da Vinci drawings. It was amazing. Mary's dollhouse was less a dollhouse, more the size of my house. It was a gorgeous day too so just wandering around in the SUN (yes it does indeed shine over here)

I attempted to go out Saturday night but after 1 wine I felt horrific so headed to bed instead. When the other girls poured back in the morning after we just spent the whole day in the garden in the sun. We even had a bbq, on the world's smallest bbq.

I headed into London and out to Leeds on Tuesday (navigating the stairs of Paddington and Victoria Station with my suitcase - no escalators argh!) and was finally reunited with my darling Pasco! We explored the Leeds City Museum (it's so cool! all interactive and involving.) Pasco introduced me to penny press machines. we then headed out to a movie - The Ghost which was really good. And to finish off the day we had dinner with... Luddo!! The bar lady almost didn't let us stay for dinner because Luddo only had her Aus drivers licence instead of her passport... we just wanted a burger!

I spent a few days with Pasco and then a few days with Luddo (included in this was my birthday which stretched to 33 hours. Go Aus/British times.) Luddo and Di did my bank account no good by taking me shopping in down town Leeds.

I went to York and became a National Trust member and climbed along the city walls.

I was horrified at the royal armouries.

I made it to Manchester and met up with mum.

We went to the John Rylands Library - very big gothic thing.

Then we went to Ireland. But more on that later!


  1. So did you get me one of the weapons that had killed people? You know how much I like weapons!
    Also, harden up. One bottle of wine sent you to bed? Sounds like you need to mix a tea spoon of cement in with your wine next time

  2. No no, I was sick. I couldn't hear anything haha. I was attempting to get better so I could have the next 3 months illness free... but alas my immune system is still crap and I am now sicker! Woohoo!

  3. The Windsor castle... I'd like to see that!
